Saturday, January 8, 2011

HW 29 Reading and Noting Basic Materials

     Paying For Medical Care
In America, many people go into hospitals unsure if they will receive healthcare. In some countries like  France, Canada, and Britain they have something called socialized medicine unlike the U.S.A In the documentary Sicko by Michael Moore he basically states that 50 million Americans don't have health insurance. Sometimes people have to make really tough decisions about there health care, such as choosing between body parts would you rather have your arm or your left leg. However, there are families where this doesn't happen Ms. Bernett didn't have to pay anything for her husbands death, since they had insurance. Health insurance companies do go out of their way to make sure patients don't get their insurance even if they do have it.  Pre- existing conditions are something that companies look for before they give you the insurance you need.  This is basically because the incentives of the healthcare system are not to provide health care but to accumulate profit for the company. We have evidence of this because of President Richard Nixon's recordings with his chief advisor, who presented the proposal of the new health care system.  He told Nixon the idea of the new system and Nixon basically said " that doesn't sound to bad."  It is basically a fact to say the American health care system is corrupt and needs some fixing which may take a while.
     Facing Terminal Illness
For some odd reason when people in general are young we feel as though we are practically invincible This is definitely true for me  This is probably because we are either at our prime or almost at our prime in terms of health.  When you injure yourself or when you get sick/ the flu you feel vulnerable, making your sense of invincibility temporarily disappear. But our bodies usually conquers whatever hurt us in the first place, and through the magic of mitosis we get better.  If we get a terminal illness this is usually very different, I have never had one and never will hopefully so I'm talking based on the experience and information of others. It's hard for many to accept they may never recover or be the same from an illness, even when there body has recovered from hundreds or injuries. Some people ignore it, some try and fight it confident that they will prevail, and some just give up then we realize we are human and human doesn't equal invincible. 

When Beth Bernett our guest speaker came in to share her tragic story of her husbands death of cancer.  Before he was diagnosed with cancer, his appearance began to take a turn for the worst. Her husband Eric turned down the doctor many times, probably because he didn't want to admit something bad was happening to him, or he just may have wanted to try and leg it out and see if he recover naturally like he had done so many times.  Slowly he began to lose massive proportions of weight. He was eventually in such bad shape that he had to sleep bent over a table because of the overwhelming pain. Eventually he had no choice but to face the inevitable he was ill. This is an extremely hard thing to accept, even for me someone who is very prideful of their recovery skills. 
Being Sick
Every single human being on this planet has been sick at least once with the exception of maybe newborn babies.  After speaking to my mom about being sick she told me when she is sick no matter what the condition is she immediately tries to seek help and defeat it. This is basically similar to what I do. When we are sick we don't believe in taking days for school or work. We still feel we should be able to do what we do in life while recovering from a cold/flu or whatever we may have. There is the whole idea of separating ourselves from people to prevent infection though.  

When I'm sick/ have the flu I always find myself daydreaming about what it feels like to be "normal". How was it like to breathe with ease? When I'm sick is when I truly realize how amazing it feels to be healthy. When I go to the doctor for my yearly checkups I go there with a lot of confidence that the doctor will find me perfectly  healthy. I awaited my results actually quite nervous hoping that I grew and gained weight and am perfectly healthy. Then they came my palms began sweating which is a sign of stress she said something like " Abdul you are 5'6'',150 pounds, and you have 20/15 vision which is amazing you are a perfectly healthy boy."  That made my day completely I felt like I was the s**t. If that day had gone the opposite since it's pretty much like that every time I go to the doctor, except for the 20/15 part which was a shocker.

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